Touché Amoré earlier in the year announced a four-date tour of the UK to follow their appearance at Hevy Fest. Seemingly due to the exclusivity of their Hevy show, all of the shows announced were up past the Midlands, and we were lucky enough to catch them at Rescue Rooms in Nottingham.
New Moon kicked things off with their brand of shoegaze. Their live set was impressive as the guitars swelled around the venue and drums crashed behind. Following up was hardcore band Dangers, who put on a show as their vocalist bounded around the stage and into the audience – at one point he even ran straight out of the open door on the side of the stage.
Loma Prieta are a hardcore band from California who formed in 2005. They’re well loved, but seem to be garnering an even higher level of hype for their new release due out in October. After seeing them live, it’s quite easy to understand why. While the stage was almost completely covered in fog, which added a nice atmospheric vibe, the band ran through their songs with musical perfection.
By the time Touché Amoré started, the venue was almost full. The band kicked things off quite quickly with “Amends” from 2011’s Parting the Sea Between Brightness and Me which immediately sent the front half of the crowd into a frenzy.
The band packed song after song into their set, joining groups of three or four tracks together with no breaks, and when there were breaks, interludes were played over the PA. Songs from latest release, 2013’s Is Survived By such as “Just Exist” and “Harbor” got massive singalongs.
Drummer Elliot Babin has incredible stamina, playing through song after song, blast beats and all. while vocalist Jeremy Bolm throws himself around the stage, and often into the crowd. Touché Amoré are an incredibly fun live band, especially if you already know all the lyrics and can scream your lungs out. It’s well deserved how they’ve managed to grow from a pretty niche band into one of the biggest bands in the scene across the past five or so years.